Esperanza Homes, a builder based in Texas, needed to zero in on prospective buyers, gain valuable market insights into their preferences, and save staff time.
To accomplish all of these, Esperanza is leveraging the power of SalesRTX, the AtlasRTX SMS-based sales followup solution, to more efficiently and effectively reach home shoppers.
Web visitors and the Esperanza sales team seem to love the new chatbot.
“Our automated model home follow-up has allowed us to take the guess work out of engaging with prospects that are ready to take action. When we can direct our efforts toward those higher-quality buyers, our sales team is more effective and efficient at turning leads into buyers.”
Anissa Leverett, VP of Marketing, Esperanza Homes
Our digital assistants are designed with the home builder industry in mind, and we’d love to show you how we can help your organization close more sales and improve your profit margin by diminishing realtor fees.