“Adding web and text-based digital assistants to our team has been one of our greatest investments for marketing to prospective students. Our digital assistants have been our leading source of application conversions, more than website RFI forms or digital advertising. 38% of those applicants have converted to confirmed deposits.”
Dan Gaines
Associate Director of Marketing & Analytics
Purdue University Krannert School of Management
The following data was compiled by the Purdue University Krannert School of Management staff in October 2021.
The data provided represents Residential and Online Master’s program applications and the vast majority is being shared in percentages rather than raw numbers.
Data is tracked through Purdue’s Marketing Source tags. Individual applicants may have more than one source for interactions. For example, a candidate could engage with a PPC ad, the digital assistant, and Acuity platform and would be tagged for each. This method of reporting aligns with the typical student journey with many touch points.
Data does not imply causation. It merely represents roles that each channel plays in the marketing mix that engages and nurtures apps to completion.
The funnel graphic simply serves as a general representation of channel impact. It should be noted that many candidates have their first contact with channels represented deeper in the funnel. Each student journey is unique.
In 2020-21, the Krannert School of Management launched three new online programs with a dedicated digital assistant. They have reported a steady increase in engagement with the bot since launch.
Digital Assistant 35.5%
Acuity Meeting 35%
Website RFI Forms 13.5%
PPC (Google ads) 6.5%
Retargeting 5%
Linkedin Ads >3%
Display <1%
Online Profiles <1%
Social ads (FB, IG) <1%
Digital Assistant 12.7%
Acuity 10.8%
Web form 6.4%
PPC 6.1%
Acuity 25%
Web form 23.7%
Digital Assistant 19.8%
PPC 13.9%
Linkedin ads 2.7%
Digital Assistant 15.0%
Acuity 14.6%
Web form 11%
PPC 8.2%
Linkedin ads 1.0%
In summary, the AtlasRTX digital assistant has played a pivotal role in generating new student leads, cultivating existing leads, and converting leads to submitted applications. While some of its influence on application conversion can be attributed to the commitment level of the student at the time of engagement, “it has served a crucial touchpoint to move students through the enrollment funnel at all phases of their student journey.”
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